In June of 2021, I was contracted as a Multimedia Specialist for the Center for eLearning, at Florida State College at Jacksonville. As a specialist, I collaborated with the CeL multimedia and instructional designers in developing online courses. My projects included transforming Learning Units with HTML, designing custom graphics, video editing, and closed-captioning. Below are some examples of my work:

Learning Unit example
The first project was to convert word documents for the High School Entrepreneurship course into interactive Learning Units (LUs). Under the leadership of Andrew, an eLearning Multimedia Designer, I began designing and sharpening my skills on new layouts for the online courses. Below are examples of LUs I completed:

High School Course

LU w/ video

LU w/ click reveals


CWN Icon
To the left is the CWN Learning Unit icon, which I designed for the high school business course. The goal was to illustrate the search for knowledge and brainstorming, which comes with the business world.
On the right are examples of graphic tasks completed as a contractor. The first graphic is a Course Design framework. This illustration is used by IDs when creating a new online course. The approach I chose for the graphic, is a visual aid with folders and tests rather than a wordy document. Which is the same approach I use in custom graphic two.

Example of Module Template

Created Module Template

ID's Graphic Example

Final Graphic
Many video edit tasks completed within my contract were simply adding captioning and uploading to YouTube. However, the collaborated project with eLearning Multimedia Designer, Eric Zoller is to the left. The non-linear edit used several found sources to convey the topic consistently.