In the Spring of 2021, I was selected as an eLearning Multimedia Design Intern with the Center for eLearning. As an intern, I assisted the CeL multimedia and instructional designers in developing online courses. My tasks included creating custom graphics, video editing, closed-captioning, and converting Learning Units with HTML. Below are some examples of my achievements:

Stock Image

Recreated Image for worksheet
This task was to modify and replace type on a Heart Diagram for a student worksheet. Above is the pre-stock image (left) and the post-image (right).

Icon A

Icon B
These health icons were created for a Learning Unit in OTH1704. This task taught the importance of exporting formats such as SVG, PNG, and JPEG. Here, a PNG was used for transparency.
This project involved editing a series of videos for IND1020C learning units. I trained with Olivia and Jill. One design challenge we encountered was the inconsistent dimensions of the original recordings.
Our solution was to edit the videos 360 x 360. By using square-aspect-ratio, we were able to crop all interviewees consistently. And it improved responsiveness, especially on mobile.

HTML | Learning Unit
After HTML training with Alex and Andrew, I began converting word documents to clean HTML for LUs. Below is an example from ENC1102, Understanding Context and Reflecting on Your Research.
I am thankful for the opportunity to have worked in the CeL. During this internship, I learned new skills and was able to apply skills gained from the B.A.S. in Digital Media Program. Most of all, big thanks to my mentor and MMT! This opportunity to train and collaborate with all the different team members has been a blast. I enjoyed listening and contributing to design discussions, and being involved in large scale projects.