What is an imposter? Are you one...
The Imposter Syndrome can affect anyone. Symptoms one may experience are fear of being seen, feeling like they are fake, and struggles with accepting their success.
Types of Imposters
Which one are you?
- The Expert
- The Perfectionist
- Natural Geniuses
- The Soloist
- Superheroes

Reading the Imposter Syndrome, I felt like
I was reading about myself. If I classify myself
as one of the imposters, "the perfectionist."
When I create a project, I am full of anxiety and
doubt. Even, after the project is finished, I critique
rather than celebrate.
Tripod - Canon 90D
Sigma Lens 18-200mm
LED Lights - Color Gels

Capturing a photo series of "Imposters," my goal was to convey the mental issues and feelings someone may be internalizing. To illustrate these feelings, I used double exposure in my photography, along with dramatic color lighting. I love the way color can capture different moods, along with giving meaning to the image.
I was happy to be able to complete my vision, but it came with its struggles. I accomplished capturing my story of imposters, within the talent's home. This was a blessing, especially in these Covid times. I conquered, capturing all double exposures via camera, none of the extra images were collaged by Photoshop. The greatest adversity I faced, was scheduling the photoshoots with talents. I am very pleased with the outcome. More images to come.

The Expert

The Perfectionist

Natural Geniuses

The Soloist
Dunning Kruger Effect
One who overestimate their knowledge and is naive to see their own shortcoming in their skills.

Statue of a Fool
As you can see the struggle was real with the Dunning Kruger effect. To illustrate this concept, I decided to create a diptych comparing the perspective of an overconfident person versus an individual seeing the naive overconfident person. The diptychs are black and white and illustrated as an anthropology study.

The picture above displays the fun I had shooting this diptych. Two great talents, one clean bathroom, lipstick, and crazy energy. I had a blast shooting the diptych. The final image conveys my story and idea of the Dunning Kruger effect. I will be creating two more diptychs so be on the lookout.